27J Food Bank Opening this Fall!
Adams 12 - Good News!
Adams 12 featured Food for Hope in one of their stories about good things happening in the school district. We are thankful for their long-term partnership.
March 2021 E-news
Check out our latest e-newsletter!
Here’s what’s in this quarter’s edition:
Report from a survey conducted by Hunger Free Colorado
Story of a grateful parent
Meet our intern, Kaylee
Fun ways you can help Food for Hope
Volunteer Opportunities
BIONIC Bodega & Boutique
In partnership with the Adams 12 Five Star School District & the Five Star Foundation, Food for Hope is partnering with schools to supply food to in-school food banks and resource rooms.
The staff at Shadow Ridge Middle School has done an amazing job organizing this space for their school community, complete with an online ordering page for students and families! We encourage you to visit the BIONIC Bodega & Boutique website.
We are proud to partner with these innovative and crucial efforts to support students in need during this challenging time.
Shoutout Colorado
Shoutout Colorado connects with Food for Hope’s Executive Director, Emily Stromquist.
Enjoy reading the conversation here.
Feed 5000 was a huge success despite COVID!
Despite the logistical challenges brought upon by the COVID-19 Pandemic, Food for Hope was able to gather almost 100 community volunteers to distribute 1,750 Thanksgiving meals to families in need. With food insecurity rates on the rise, this holiday help was especially important this year.
Thank you to everyone who worked with us to make this event a reality!
Denver 7 News [video]: Food for Hope's work featured
Food for Hope packing emergency food bags for families …