Addressing Food Insecurity: Thornton, CO Takes Action

Running a race alone is daunting but taking it on with someone you know can make the challenge feel less overwhelming.  This analogy rings true for nonprofit leaders and organizations too.  Although we are working to alleviate an issue that may truly never be completely resolved, collaboration enables us to recognize the victories and fosters a collective sense of hope, propelling us forward in our missions.

At the end of March, the City of Thornton brought together leaders from various food banks and organizations to share how they are addressing the growing need for nutritional support in our community. The meeting provided an opportunity for all of us to collaborate, share insights, and explore strategies to better support each other and the community in addressing food insecurity.

Food insecurity is a term that is used a lot, but what does it actually mean? Food insecurity is defined as the lack of access to a consistent supply of nutritious food necessary for maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle and remains a pressing concern in Thornton and across the entire state of Colorado. One in five children in Adams County is experiencing uncertainty about when or if they will receive their next meal.  Despite being a vibrant and growing community, many individuals and families in our area struggle to put food on the table due to a variety of factors, including low wages, unemployment, illness, high living costs, and limited access to affordable, healthy food options.

Although there are many challenges that nonprofits face in today’s economy, I walked away feeling encouraged to hear about all of the great work being done to help those in our city who are struggling.  This meeting reinforced my belief that the mission of hunger relief cannot be accomplished alone.  Organizations should work to find and serve in their area of strength, but we also need the support of our cities, businesses, faith communities, clubs, and organizations to help us succeed in what we are trying to achieve. The City of Thornton is leading the way by making an effort to connect its nonprofit leaders, and I am optimistic that this collaboration will only strengthen our overall impact as we move forward.

To learn more about the mission of Food for Hope and the organization’s impact, visit our website: