What Does It Mean to Take Action?

What Does It Mean To Take Action?

September is Hunger Action Month.  This is an annual initiative from Feeding America that strives to bring awareness to the prevalence of food insecurity and encourages citizens to take action to help their neighbors who experience this hardship.  Here at Food for Hope, we regularly interact with local families who are enduring injustice, difficulty, and hunger.  The need is so great.  We appreciate the intention of Hunger Action Month, because we acknowledge that this is an issue that is too big to be addressed alone.

Last week, a woman stopped by Food for Hope’s new distribution hub in search of food resources. Our conversation in the parking lot revealed that her story could be anyone’s story. She has been working two jobs, but taking care of an ill family member was using so many resources that she could not find a place to live that she could afford.  She has partial custody of her daughter, and was trying to find food so that she would have something to feed her during their visit the coming weekend.  This woman is working around the clock to try to make ends meet, but she still needs help.  Since she does not have a child in one of the schools we serve, I was able to connect her to another local food bank where she could get the items she needed. However, there are many more people experiencing this reality in the Denver area.  Parents are especially struggling because they are trying to make sure their children are getting the nutrition they need despite the high cost of living and difficult circumstances.  These families are great examples of why your action makes a difference.

So what is there to do? , you may be thinking, ‘I don’t have time for anything else. How can I take action when I barely manage to make it through the day with my own obligations?’ I know.  We are all busy and schedules are packed with school, sports, music lessons, work, and more.  But action doesn’t have to be time consuming.  Here are a few thoughts on quick things you can do that will make a positive impact on the mission to address childhood hunger in our area.  Will you take the challenge to pick one of these and do it before the month ends?  You can do it!  I believe in you.

  • Follow Food for Hope (@foodforhopeCO) on Facebook, LinkedIn, or Instagram.  Share one post with your network!

  • Skip a coffee or meal out & donate the amount to buy food for local kids in need!  You can Venmo us! @foodforhopeco

  • Sign-up to volunteer for a future date!  Just one or two hours of your time can help tremendously. 

  • Sponsor a Thanksgiving meal box for a local family in need for our upcoming Feed 5000 meal distribution. 

A special thank you to the groups that have taken action with Food for Hope so far this month!

●City of Northglenn Clerk’s Office                         ● Good Shepherd United Methodist Church

●King Soopers Marketplace                                  ● Intrepid Bodyworks

●Xcel Day of Service                                             ●Girl Scout Troops 65753 & 630687